What Lockdown Taught Me

Hey guys and welcome back to Stay Sásta. Today's blogpost will be a bit more chatty than usual. Seeing as life is coming back to normal I thought it's the right time to write this post. If you had told me back in March that I would have to leave Dublin and move home for over 3 months I'd go crazy. I'd literally think there couldn't be anything worse. I loved college so much and I loved staying up for weekends in Dublin. The picture above is me spending a Sunday in my favourite place; the markets in Dún Laoghaire. I hadn't been home for over 3 weeks the day we heard the colleges were closing. We all thought it was great, everyone was buzzing to get home for "two weeks". Little did we know lol. Even though the circumstances of coming home weren't ideal, I'm so so grateful I got to spend this much time at home. The first picture I posted when I got home was a picture of Belle and the caption "An áit a bhfuil do chroí is ann a thabharfas...