Going from stuck in a rut to sticking to a routine

 Hello hello and welcome back to Stay Sásta. It is currently Wednesday evening, it’s dull and to be honest I’m feeling quite meh. Part of me was thinking to myself are you really gunna preach about routine when the most productive thing you did today was make coffee? And the answer to that is yes, yes I am. I think it is so important to be realistic and know that not everyday is going to be perfect and there will be so many days that you don’t stick to your routine. You decide what feels right each day and never put pressure on yourself, just go with the flow. I love having some kind of routine to follow. I’ve gone from getting up at 6am to struggling to get out of bed before 10, but I am working my way back to the early morning club. There’s no right or wrong way to spend your morning so wake up at whatever time works for you. I’m going to be sharing what’s worked for me in trying to get out of a slump. I hope it helps :)


I think this is a key element when you are trying to figure out a routine, and it is definitely the most valuable part. If you don’t know why you want to get up early or workout more than you are setting yourself up for failure. You need a solid why, some kind of motivation that will give you a purpose. When I started getting up earlier my why was wanting to have more time to myself before college. I find the days that I roll out of bed I’m all over the place. I love mornings so I like to set aside a few hours before college to really set myself up for the day. Having time to gratitude journal, read, stretch/workout does wonders for my mood and really sets me up for the day. If you aren’t a morning person maybe figure out your why for an evening routine; what helps you to switch off after a busy day etc. Once you have a clear idea in your head as to why you want to work on creating a routine everything will be much easier. 


Having a routine can help structure your day/week to help you get the most out of it. I had a planner last year that helped me plan my week by the hour and it did work great but these year I’m finding a simple to do list notepad does the job. Depending on how I’m feeling I’ll plan my day out the night before, sometimes by the hour and sometimes just some goals I’d like to achieve that day. This helps me get clear in my head before I fall asleep on what’s coming the next day. Having a plan helps you figure out what you need to do and how to make the most of your time. I write everything in my plan even to the point of drink water. Add as much as you want because ticking everything off is thee best feeling!!


It is so easy to get caught up in what other people are doing, and even I end up looking at other peoples lives wishing I could be like that. But the most important part of getting out of a rut is focusing on YOU. 

You can’t move forward if you keep looking around. 

If you get up at 6am, great you did it! But if you get up at 6am and start scrolling and looking at posts, that’s when this gets tricky. That voice will creep in saying “she’s already been to the gym and I can’t even get up?” Or “Those pictures from last night look so fun, I should’ve gone out”…Once you hear these thoughts creep in put the phone far away. This isn’t about other people, it’s about making yourself feel better. Who cares what other people are doing, if that’s what makes them happy send them some good vibes and move on. Put that energy into yourself and do the things that make you feel amazing. Get up, read something inspiring or scroll Pinterest and then move your body. Even if its just 2 minutes of stretching, trust me you won’t be worrying about other people if you are focusing on yourself. 


If some morning you wake up and you aren’t feeling it, just take it easy. The worst thing you can do is beat yourself up over it. Listen to your body and what it needs. 

Hopefully this little blogpost helps you feel motivated and excited to get organised. 

Le grá,

M x

A lil look at my 2022 vision board if you'd like some inspo


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