My Goals For The Next 6 Months

Hey everyone and welcome back to Stay Sásta. How is it July already?! Today's blogpost is all about setting goals and manifesting them. I always set myself goals and I feel it really helps me stay focused. You can accomplish so much if you set your mind to it.
 Here are a few from the list of goals I set for myself back in January:
-Save money; I think Quarantine helped with that one!
-Cut down on sugar in coffee; I used to take sooo much sugar in my coffee but I started drinking iced coffee's all the time and I don't put sugar in them so mission accomplished.
-Adventure more; If I had known back in January I'd be at home for 3 months this goal probably wouldn't of made the list but now its made me so motivated to make up for lost time and adventure all summer.
-Read a book a month; This might be something small for people but finishing a book within a month is such an accomplishment for me lol. I have a list and I had in every month what book I'm going to read.

So now that its July I've decided to write down some of my goals for the rest of 2020. These are little things I want to accomplish or manifest into my life. (If you aren't familiar with manifesting then definitely check it out, it will change your life). 

-Do more yoga and meditating.
-Workout and run more
-Cut down on coffee
-Tick everywhere off my Donegal Bucketlist
-Pass my theory and start driving lessons
-Save more money
-Work hard on Stay Sásta & insta 
-Use less heat on my hair
-Spend less time on my phone
-Swim in the sea more often
-Try get to the beach every day
-Eat healthier
-Journal every day
-Have a proper morning & night routine
-Use my camera more often
-Keep reading more
-Become more comfortable with posting whatever I like
-Work on my insta feed
-Invest in more clothes that will last me a long time

These are tiny things but things I want to achieve and improve in my life. I highly recommend setting yourself some goals and when you achieve them you will feel so so good. That's all from me today. I hope you all have an amazing second half of the year😇
Le grá,
M x


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