10 Lockdown Self Care Ideas

 I don't know about you but I am definitely finding this lockdown way harder than the first. I'm not sure if it's the dark evenings, bad weather or heavy coursework but it feels very different to last time. I found myself stuck in a rut there for a wee while and I decided to spend more time doing nice things for myself. I thought I'd make a list of my favourite things to do when I'm not feeling so good. These are small things that will lift your mood and help you to focus on the positives during this tough time :)

1. Netflix- 

The best way to switch off is to switch on something cringey, funny and feel good!! My favs at the minute are; Holidate, Schitts Creek, Game Night and of course the classic Gossip Girl.

2.Zoom (But with friends and not lecturers)- 

Sometimes the last thing you'll want to do when you're struggling with college online is go back on Zoom voluntarily but it's still important to connect with friends. Do a facetime call with your friends and make cocktails, or join Netflix party and watch something together! Just a 5 minute catch up can go a long way I find.

3. Get Creative

Draw, paint, colour or something that keeps you entertained and off your phone. There is something so therapeutic about doing something creative that'll help distract you from everything that's happening. I also made a puzzle one evening and I must say I really enjoyed it lol.

4. Baking-

Okay maybe not banana bread this time.... but it's still fun to get baking and no better time than the lead up to Christmas so you can wow the fam with something on Christmas day!

5. Disconnect- 

Set time limits on apps on your phone. I find this sooo helpful to remind me to disconnect from my phone and do something productive.

6. Read- 

I have a blogpost on motivational books that are amazing to read during this time but another one to add is definetely "You Are A Badass" by Jen Sincero. It is amazingggg!! It's been my bible through this lockdown. I'm nearly finished but the next book I have lined up is "Jump" by Daniella Moyles, I've heard such good things.

7. Pamper Evenings- 

Set aside one (or multiple) evenings a week to just spoil yourself. I'm talking bubble baths, face masks, doing your nails, hair masks, glass of wine, chocolate.....the lot! A mid-week pick me up is always a must.

8. Yoga- 

perfect to stretch out & chill out with after sitting at a desk all day. It'll boost your mood and help you to switch off before me.

9. Walk-

 Get some fresh air, take in the pretty views, & stretch your legs. 

10. Journaling- I'm only new to journaling but I've been finding it sooo helpful. Ella Ringrose has really inspired me to start my mornings journaling. Even just writing down what your thinking in the moment will lift serious weight off your shoulders. I'm starting to get the hang of manifesting/ scripting but once I'm more educated on it I'll be sure to share with you guys. I've kept a Gratitude Journal for most of this year and it's helped me so much to find 5 things every day to be grateful for and to focus on the positives.

That's my 10 fav self care tips. I hope you guys are all doing well and looking after yourselves during this time. We're already half way there so keep wearing your masks and staying safe and we'll all be back in Pennys buying fluffy jammies (thee best self care) in no time :)

Le Grá,

M x


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