One Year of Stay Sásta

 Hellooo and welcome back to Stay Sásta. I can't believe I'm already writing this blogpost but yesterday was Stay Sásta's first birthday!! One year ago today I pressed the publish button for the first time after talking myself in and out of it so so many times. I can honestly say nothing has ever made me prouder than this blog and my Instagram this past year. Today I'm going to share some of my biggest milestones and the moments that stood out to me. Grab a coffee and lets take a trip down memory lane :) 

My first blogpost🥰 I remember this day so well and seeing people share this post on Instagram. I was sooo shocked at the response!!

The Donegal Bucketlist💚💛 This was my
favourite Blogpost for sure. I had so much fun ticking places off
during the summer and making vlogs on Insta of my adventures. 
Winning Shauna Doyle’s content challenge 🥺📸 This photo challenge 
gave me the best opportunity to start getting more creative on my Instagram
and I got to find so many other amazing accounts.
My first collaboration 🤩 
Getting to go to Bangor and stay in a dog hotel with Belle while filming Peataí📽
Working with brands like Cluse (pinch me😭)
Moving back to Dublin  ❤️
Agallaimh le Áine Ní Bhreisleáin ar Bladhaire RnaG ag caint 
faoi Stay Sásta📻

Staying in a fancy hotel in Belfast while working on a project I can’t wait to share soon😆📽
My first ever giveaway💜
Taking part in Paisean don Fhaisean for SNAG 2021🛍
   Getting to work on campaigns with Prime Student🎞

These are just a few moments that have stood out to me this year and I am sooo excited for whats to come🌍💕🛍✈️ Thank you all for all the love alwayssss.

Le grá, 
M x


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